Monday, June 4, 2007

OffBeat Review!!!

(this is what comes up if you google image "les poissons rouges." i don't really know what to make of that...)

Check out the review of our album, "Nashvegas," from OffBeat magazine! Just click on the title of the post...


In other news, we are planning on recording this summer, hopefully at a rural site in AL, close to some water that provides swimming and fishing. We've got tons of new material, and I can't wait to actually put it down to give to people.

And in other other news, Jeremy (drummer, piano player, birder, magician, lover) had a birthday this past weekend, that was spent in Baton Rouge with multiple friends (including myself) and our friend Khari Lee's band Gov't Magik tearing it up at Chelsea's. In honor of that, I will post my favorite picture of Jon and Jeremy...

Friday, June 1, 2007

Mustaches galore, Pt.1

As promised, here are the 1st set of pics from the mustache party, with the normal cast facial-hairing it up. I want to show it all, so this will have to come in installments...

Blair, with the subtle yet effective 'stash:

Jose (who put most of this party together; superb job fellow--it was mantastic), always swarthy looking:

Bridget, looking quite stylish even with the mustache:

Samuri, with a nasty crustache:

Josh, with a nastier crustache (this stash, besides my own, is the one that creeped me out the most...theres just something
about the way its a little too dark...ugh):

Mustaches Galore, Pt. 2

Lee, sporting a fantastic mustache, and looking quite comfortable with it too:

And it happened to be Lee's birthday! (Thats right, thats a hamburger-dog with a candle in it. He just ate the whole thing...):

Caroline, also creeping us all out with her Jerry-stash (how angry does she look in this pic? "Get away from my beer..."):

Misty, who did have a mustache on for most of the party, but who apparently traded it for a tiny dog:

Galleros, who should be working as a short order cook somewhere in Chicago:

Mustaches Galore, Pt. 3 (the LPR installment)

And this will be our new press photo...

Jon, who won the award for "most plausible mustache if I lived in the 70s" (also won the "it only takes a mustache to make me look Mexican" award):

Jeremy, who left his striped full body bathing suit, barbells, and one tall wheel bike at home. Hup hup!:

And me, seriously grossing everyone out (including myself). I really miss my beard...

Again, I really miss my beard.


Thanks to all who came out to the past's a little pre-shave picture from Zydeco's:

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Shows--and mustaches!!!

We've got a few shows coming up this week/weekend that I just know you want to check out.

May 23rd (Wednesday)
Kerry's Irish Pub--331 Decatur St. (in the Quarter), NOLA
-As always, this is the best oportunity to catch LPR at their most relaxed. And the best opportunity to hear odd covers. And to have a good time on a Wednesday night.

May 25th (Friday)
Zydecue's--on Iberville a 1/2 block off of BOURBON ST. (thats pretty hilarious to me)
-How can you pass up LPR on Bourbon? If anything, the opportunities for good pics should abound. And theres never any reason to pass up drinking with tourists.

May 28th (Monday, Memorial Day)
Dragon's Den, NOLA
-This is going to be a great show, mainly because the Dragon's Den is a great venue, and because of our amazing showmanship. Also, we will be memorializing things through song in order for the crowd to have wonderful memories of the event. Uh-huh.

Come on out!!!

Also, this Saturday will witness the 5th (!) annual mustache party, to be held on top of a building in the CBD, with pool and other fun things. Honestly, theres not much more that you need besides a pool and mustaches. Pics of the party to come. Just let me know if you want to attend...

Just try to tell me you wouldn't want to see Jon sporting one of these...

Or something like this...

And i shit you not, I could see myself looking like this in a few years...

(Seriously, go check out the World Beard Championships website--click on the title up top. It is ridiculous.)

Friday, May 11, 2007

May 12th--Auburn @ Roosters!

We will be playing at our favorite Auburn stomping ground, Roosters, on Saturday, May 12th, show starting around 10pm. Joining us in the fun will be our good friends Hotel Palatine from Birmingham! Those guys really know how to expand the mind through rock. If you're in the Auburn area, come on out!

Hotel Palatine:

And just for fun, Jon and I looking mysteriously like Becker and Fagan from The Dan:

Weird huh?

Jazz Fest--Redux

Its been a long 5 days now, so I can say I've definitely had time to process my Jazz Fest experience from this past Sunday. Hot, breezy, chock full o' people, mangotastic, music filled--overall a great time. Let me give you the rundown:


It was really hot. With lots of people around you. All the time. Hot enough to where I didn't really even feel like drinking. A four dollar Miller Lite (does anyone else feel like that is the worst domestic beer of all time? Above and beyond anything else I feel like it has the worst taste...Busch kills it) just does not seem worth it when you can buy a $2.50 bottle of water and hopefully rehydrate. I'm pretty sure I drank four that day, and they all were hot within 5 min of purchase, bu worth it. I know, I know--I live in New Orleans, this climate is the one I chose, I should be used to it by now, blahbidy, blah--but regardless of your conditioning, when its hot, its hot, annd it was on Sunday. Thankfully it was occasionally...


There was a really nice breeze happening, especially later in the day. I know this doesn't sound like the most interesting thing to talk about (its not, that comes later), but when its that hot, and you're surrounded by thousands of people, and The Dan is playing, a nice cooling breeze really makes the day seem perfect.


There were TONS of people at the Fest on Sunday. I've been a few times over the years, but I've never seen the Fairgrounds this packed. Maybe it was the day, maybe it was me, but apparently they matched the record from 2004 of 375,000 people overall.


A lot of times you hear that at Jazz Fest the music is good, but the food is great. There are many, many food vendors there, and plenty of interesting items that people rave about all year (see: crawfish bread, crawfish puff pastry, crawfish monica, crawfish boat((!)), crawfish poboys, many other crawfish variations, fried chicken, fried catfish, other poboys, jambalaya, etc.), but I'm just not that into it. I do live in this city and can get those things most of the time at restaurants for a cheaper price, so I'm probably biased, but even so, I also just don't think the food is that good. BUT...there is something there called a mango freeze that is perfect for the Festival day: mango, sugar, ice--its like sorbet but sweeter. I had one. I could of had five.

(On a side note: At Jazz Fest, those foods that I mentioned, as many of you already know, are only in ONE SPOT AT THE FAIRGROUNDS. The Fairgrounds are pretty big, and its hard to see the signs that show what each vendor is selling, and the food is only in two specific areas, so basically, if you see someone walk by with something that looks delicious to you, the best thing to do is to ask them where they got it. This happened to me about 5 times with the mango freeze.)

All of this is of course a side note when compared to...


I saw Steely Dan. Live. Performing songs that I've been singing along to or playing along to or live for the past ten years. "Peg", "Bodhisattva", "Josie", "Monkey On Your Soul" (with Becker singing!), "Bad Sneakers", "Hey Nineteen". It was really hard to not smile while watching that band with my good friends around me (we've all been listening to the Dan together for years), and it was just an amazing experience. One of my best moments of the day. The other was watching my good friend Khari Lee play earlier in the day on a stage at Jazz Fest with the Louis Armstrong Quintet, and realizing how captivating he is to an audience. Its nice to have him down here, and wonderful to see him take the New Orleans jazz scene by storm.

It was just a great day, capped off with beers, food, air conditioning, and people watching at a friends house thats right next to the Fairgrounds. Even with all the boohoo-ing of the Fest, I really did have a good time--I think I just needed a really good draw, and the Dan did not let us down.